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Cauliflower is composed of tiny florets on clusters (also known as “curds”) of stalks. This member of the cabbage family is very popular among vegetarian diets due to its great flavor and nutritional value. To make sure you have a quality product, check that your cauliflower is tight and compact, with creamy white curds and neatly trimmed green leaves. In order to preserve freshness, cauliflowers are often packed with a protective plastic cellophane wrapper over the entire head.

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Purchase by

Case, Piece, Pound

How to Store


– Store immediately in the coldest part of the walk-in cooler. Cauliflower is very susceptible to damage from the heat of the kitchen.

– Keep original cellophane wraps on the heads to maintain shelf life and quality.

– Store away from ethylene-producing fruits. Cauliflower is extremely susceptible to ethylene damage. Ethylene can cause cauliflower to yellow and shorten its shelf life.

– Avoid stacking heavy objects on top of the open tray of cauliflower.



– Follow good rotation practices, first shipments received should be used first.

– Cauliflower has an expected shelf life of 5-6 days in your cooler. Rotate frequently to maintain optimum quality.

– Never place the case or raw product on non-sanitized kitchen counter tops to help prevent the potential for cross contamination.

– Always limit the time the product is out of refrigeration.



– Prepare as needed. Try not to use a product from the previous day.

– Cauliflower needs to be washed in a sanitary sink with a fresh cold water rinse, immediately prior to prep. Drain well.

– Immediately store prepped product in the refrigerator.


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