Japanese Eggplant


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Japanese eggplant has a long, slightly bulbous shape and its shiny, waxed skin will range from dark purple to almost black. The firm, creamy white flesh will have pale white to light brown seeds. It’s an excellent alternative to potato or plantain chips as a vegetarian option. This vegetable is also very popular in Asian and Hindu cuisines. Japanese eggplants can exhibit minor limb and leaf rub and minor scuffing and scarring.

Additional information

Purchase by

Case, Piece, Pound

How to Store


– Store in its sealed original carton in the warmest part of the walk-in cooler. Chilling injury (water-soaked spots, pitting and accelerated decay) can occur if held for more than 3 days, unprotected, in a walk-in cooler.

– Store in the original container to protect. Do not stack heavy objects on top of cases to limit the potential of crushing.

– Store away from drafts from the walk-in cooler. Eggplants are extremely susceptible to dehydration.


– Follow good rotation practices, first shipments received should be used first.

– Eggplant has an expected shelf life of 4-5 days. Plan to rotate frequently to maintain quality.

– Handle with care; eggplant will bruise easily.

– Avoid placing the case or raw product on non-sanitized kitchen counter tops to help prevent the potential for cross contamination.

– Limit the time the product is out of refrigeration, do not allow the unused product to reach room temperature.


– Prep fresh daily as needed. Try not to use a product from the previous day.

– Use the entire eggplant. Do not store partially prepped product back into the walk-in cooler.


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