Fingerling Potatoes


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Fingerling potatoes are a family of heritage potatoes which naturally grow much smaller than conventional potatoes; they tend to be elongated and slightly knobbly, making them very finger-like in shape. These odd-looking, flavorful potatoes can be used just like regular potatoes in an assortment of roasted, broiled, baked, grilled, or boiled dishes… just take into account their smaller size!

Additional information

Purchase by

Case, Piece, Pound

How to Store


– Store in the dry storage area of the kitchen. Preferably in a dark area with light humidity.

– Chilling injury can occur in transit or storage. Minor chilling can appear as inconsistent or premature darkening when frying or a sweet flavor when baking. 2-3 days at 60-65 degrees will correct the problem.

– Temperatures over 75 degrees will cause rapid acceleration of decay and the promotion of sprouting.

– Remove all decayed or moldy potatoes immediately from the case.

– Keep potatoes and their cases dry and away from moisture sources. Moisture will accelerate mold.

– If potatoes must be stored in the walk-in cooler, place potatoes into a lexan container with a lid and plan to use within 48 hours.



– Follow good rotation practices, first shipments received should be used first.

– Do not wash potatoes before storing.

– Expected shelf life of properly stored fingerlings is 5-7 days.

– Handle with care, do not drop, bump or shake the case, potatoes will bruise easily.

– Never place the case or raw product on non-sanitized kitchen counter tops to help prevent the potential for cross contamination.



– Prepare as needed. Try not to use a product from the previous day.

– New potatoes need to be washed in a sanitary rinse, immediately prior to preparation. Be sure to scrub potatoes to remove all dirt or sand.

– If potatoes turn black, they have been stored in below 40-degree environment for extended periods.


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